Toll Free 1-951-347-0644

Access Bail Bonds provides fast, reliable, honest and caring emergency bail bond service. We are a 24 hour a day / 7 days a week bail bonds company. We are the number one recommended bail bond company in California. We have licensed bail agents in every city of California and can have the bail bond posted immediately once the bail has been arranged.

We offer affordable payment plans and signature bonds. Access Bail Bonds also offers a 20% discount legal rate (conditions apply). We will come to you at no additional charge. We can arrange bail right over the phone and all paperwork can be done via fax or mail. Once we received the paperwork back by either fax or e-mail, we can have the bail bond posted within minutes.

Access Bail Bond offers the lowest rates possible and interest free financing. We accept all credit cards over the phone to secure the release of your loved one. Our professional agents will answer your questions and make sure you understand the whole process.

ABOUT NORCO: Norco is a city in Riverside County, California. Norco is a horse community, there are few sidewalks in the city, instead there are horse trails. Norco began promoting itself as “Horsetown U.S.A”, riders can ride to town and tie their horses at the many hitching rails and corrals place close to businesses.
BAIL BONDS IN NORCO: When a person gets arrested in Norco, they are taken to Robert Presley Detention Center County Jail. There they will be booked and a bail amount will be set. The booking process can take up to 4 hours, during that time you can contact Access Bail Bonds and speak with one of our licensed agents to arrange bail. We will ask you for information over the phone such as employment and citizenship status in order to determine the risk in underwriting the bond. Once the bail has been arranged, the bond will get posted immediately.
HOW LONG IS THE PROCESS: The paperwork takes about 20 minutes, and can be done several ways. We offer bail by fax or e-mail, once you have completed the paperwork and faxed back we will already have your bail bond posted. This way you don’t have to leave your job or home, it takes about 30 minutes to 4 hours for the release. This is dependent on the jail and when the process the bail bond.
HOW DO I PAY FOR THE BAIL BOND: Access Bail Bonds accepts different types of payments which can be done in person or over the phone.
• We accept all major credit and debit cards including American Express.
• You may also pay with money order, cashier’s check, postal money order, or cash.
• Additionally we accept all personal checks and company checks.
In addition to arrange bail over the phone, you can come to one of our local offices and do the paperwork and pay for the bail bond. We have many options in bail and want to make it as easiest as possible for you. We understand this can be a stress full time for you.
HOW MUCH DOES THE BOND COST: The standard rate is 10% of the bail amount set. For example, if the jail sets the bond at $ 5,000.00, then you would have to the bail bondsman $ 500.00. Access Bail Bonds offers a 20% discount, this is called our 8% bail bonds and it is legal. Conditions apply, call Access Bail Bonds for details 1-951-347-0644.
NORCO BAIL BOND RATES: Access Bail Bonds offers the lowest rates available. Access Bail Bonds are one of the few bail bond companies that offer a 8% bail bond rate. That is a 20% discount (conditions apply). See below for some of the conditions you need to qualify for the discount.
• Home owner
• Military
• Union Member
• Retain Private Attorney

Norco Police Department
Norco Police Department
2870 Clark Avenue, Norco, CA 92860

Norco Sheriff’s Department
Narco Valley Sheriff’s Department
7477 Mission Blvd., Jurupa, CA 92509
Norco Inmate Locator
Robert Presley Detention Center
4000 Orange Street, Riverside, CA 92501
Riverside Superior Court
Riverside Superior Court
4100 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92501

Felony Bail Schedule
Norco is home to the Norco Animal Rescue Team, and was founded after the October 2003 wildfires that savaged San Bernardino county and San Diego County. Norco recognized a need for an organized group to assist in the evacuation of mainly large animals from floods, fires, and other dangers.