Toll Free 1-951-789-4001

Access Bail Bonds offers Free Bail Information and provide 24 hour a day, 7 day week emergency bail service. We will answer all you questions and walk you through the whole bail process.

When a person is arrested, they are taken to the Indio County Jail, they will be booked and a bail amount will be set. When the booking process is completed, we can then post bail.

Access Bail Bonds offers a 20% discount (conditions apply) to those who qualify and we offer flexible payment plans. We have interest free financing and we will come to you at no additional charge. We accept all major credit card, debit cards, money orders, postal money orders, checks and cash.

Call Access Bail Bonds and let us help you through this stress full situation, we understand many of our customers have never used a bail bonds company. We can have you approved for a bond within minutes and have the bond posted immediately to start the process of getting your loved one released from custody.

ABOUT INDIO: Indio is a city in the Riverside County California, located in the Coachella Valley of Southern California’s Colorado Desert. Its 26 miles of Palm Springs, 125 miles east of Los Angeles and about 86 miles north of Mexicali, Baja California on the U.S. Mexican border. The word Indio is Spanish for Indian.

ANNUAL EVENTS: Indio is very well known for their annual events worldwide. Because there are numerous festivals and special events held annually in Indio, the Chamber of Commerce deemed Indio’s official nickname ” The City of Festivals”. Indio has hosted the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival at the Empire polo Field. This is called “Stagecoach”, the biggest country festival of all time. It’s a two-day country event, with performers including, George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Sugarland, Taylor Swift and Kid Rock just to name a few. Other events include the Southwest Arts Festival, the Cabazon Indian National Pow Wow, the Palm Springs Kennel Club’s Region RV Rally at the fairgrounds, and the U.S. field Hockey Association’s annual Hockey Festival Held every November.

The Fantasy Springs Resort Casino is also located in Indio.

PUBLIC SAFTEY: Indio has a city run police department where police services are provided. Indio has a regional Sheriff Station and one of Riverside County’s five detention facilities. The Sheriff Station’s deputies patrol the municipalities of La Quinta and Coachella.

Indio contracts out with the Riverside County Fire Department for fire protection and emergency medical services. Indio has 4 fire stations utilizing 4 engine companies, 3 paramedic ambulances and 1 truck company.

INDIO BAIL BOND PROCEDURE: When a person gets arrested and taken into custody, they booked, finger printed, photo taken and they are ran for warrants. A warrant check is ran through NCIC, this program checks for any outstanding warrants nationwide. A bail amount is set according to the crime, every county bail schedule is different. The judges of each county set their own bail schedules.

When a person gets arrested in Indio, he or she is taken to Indio County Jail. Once booked in and bail set, we are able to post a bond. When a bail bondsman is contacted, we will ask for some information over the phone. We will need to know the name of the person in jail, date of birth, and where they were arrested. We call the jail and get all the bail information and the bail amount, along with the court date. We will post the bond immediately and start the release process.

HOW LONG DOES THE BAIL BOND PROCESS TAKE: The paperwork takes about 20 minutes, whether it’s done by fax, e-mail or in person. Most of the information taken is over the phone, which starts the process immediately.

DISCOUNTS OFFERED: Access Bail Bonds offers a 20% discount (conditions apply). We find that many of our customers qualify for this discount. We also offer affordable payment plans and interest free financing. Call us for the details toll free 1-951-789-4001, one of our licensed agents will answer any questions you may have. Access Bail Bonds understands this is a very confusing time and many of our customers have never been in this situation before. Many of our customers do not know what to do, please call us at 1951-789-4001 and on of our licensed agents will walk you through the whole process.

Indio Police Department
Indio Police Department
46800 Jackson Street, Indio, CA 92201

Indio Sheriff’s Department
Indio Sheriff’s Department
46057 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201

Indio Inmate Locater
46057 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201

Larson Justice Center Superior Court
Indio Superior Court
46-200 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201

Felony Bail Schedule